Tuesday, 29 March 2011


Through I’d dish out my two cents on what I thought of this added DLC to Dead Space 2. For the price of around £7.99 (or was it more?) You get two Chapters to keep you playing through what is probably 2011 top action adventure horror game this year. However, does the DLC hold up to what is already a great game?

The Story serves as a sequel to Dead Space Extraction. But don’t worry, this isn’t a rail on shooter like its predecessor. The game plays exactly like the current game. Here you take on the role of Gabe Weller from Extraction where he is packing a new suit and has found himself in the Titan Mines in the early stages of the Necromorph outbreak.

The first chapter takes place round the time Issac wakes up in the hospital. The story for this is about Gabe trying to escape the mines so he can get to the Hospital and rescue his wife Lexine Murdoch. WHOA HOLD ON A SECOND…LEXINE IS HIS WIFE? THEY MARRIED? WHAT?

During the events of Extraction Gabe didn’t give a lot of shit for Lexine but the main player character Nathan McNeil did. However he isn’t mentioned at all during the entire playthrough which leads onto the possibility that he was the guy who turned into a Necromorph at the end of Extraction and attacked Lexine in which case…BULLSHIT.

I get it, three years have passed since those events. During that time Gabe and Lexine could’ve gotten close but for some reason I just can’t buy that and it seems so forced and a stupid move on what could’ve been a decent storyline.

The second chapter takes place all in the Hospital from the first chapter of the main game. Basically there are no new areas to explore. Even the first chapter uses level designs from the Multiplayer, so in other words, the developers got lazy and didn’t bothered to deliver anything new or worthwhile.

There aren’t even any new enemies. All the enemies you fight are all the ones you’ve already faced in the main game. The only enemy that is in this DLC and not in the main game is the Twitcher Necromorph and they were in Dead Space 1. They were annoying then and they’re annoying here. There’s nothing scary about them and that is another thing with the DLC. Its all none-stop action and less horror, which isn’t a bad thing but damn they could’ve tried harder.

As for the story itself, it opens up a whole lot of more questions instead of answering them. Those who were fans of the recent Dead Space Comic SALVAGE and were fans of the mysterious Oracles will be happy to find they appear towards the end of Chapter 2 and play a major role involving Lexine in what is known as the Oracle Project.

(GREAT, MORE STORYLINES TO RESOLVE) As if that wasn’t bad enough the ending is a big fucking major downer. It almost feels like the developers wanted to get rid of anything that was in Extraction so they wouldn’t have to pursue that storyline anymore but at the same time leave a lot to be answered.

At the moment I’m asking myself who the fuck the Oracles were and how they had those weird psychic powers. I know what you thinking now, this series just went from sci-fi horror dealing with a cult church trying to kill the whole world because of their beliefs while at the same time we have a human government who want power at all costs to the reveal of a new bunch of bad guys who can use their minds/hands to fuck people’s heads up (And kill a fucking HIVE MIND in the Salvage. Funny that, they can do that but can’t protect themselves against the smaller threats.) This is almost starting to sound like Resident Evil but heading onto the RE4 – 5 route much more quicker. 

Here’s hoping Dead Space 3 actually answers a lot of the questions raised in Severed and even Extraction but has more of then an emotional and mental journey like Isaac’s in Dead Space 2.

The question of cause at the moment is…was the DLC bad? No it wasn’t. I had fun playing it but I was left disappointed with the lack of new content, locations and storyline and of cause, the DLC is short as hell (Hour Long) which is expected of cause but for those who love collecting trophies/achievements then this game offers those things for you, however, it doesn’t offer anything new and is only worth getting if one wants to get invested in what could be the prologue story of what Dead Space 3 will deal with.

Overall Score – 7 / 10

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